If you have any questions about your hibiscus, just email Winn
FROM OUR FACEBOOK PAGE Tim H---You know what I like best about your company? You don't photo-shop your pics. What I receive looks exactly like your web pics. Or better...lol! NIGHTFIRE--I always tell people that the pictures don't nearly capture the true beauty of these amazing flowers. Winn http://www.Facebook.com/Fancyhibiscus July, 2015 Just wanted to let you know the Hibiscus arrived the
other day and looks BEAUTIFUL! She is doing great.
Winn, |
Dear Winn, My wife I received our order. The Tahitian Taui, Red
Carpet, and Mr. Ace. They look fantastic! Super healthy and adapting the
Southern CA weather beautifully. New leaves popping out all over. Could
you tell me, which one gets the tallest and is there one of these that
might be more shade tolerant than the others? |
Hi Winn, |
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The hibiscus I bought from you had its first bloom last week. The
bloom was larger than the whole plant!
Thought you'd like to see a picture of it.
Winn - I'm very surprised to find myself sending feedback about
a plant, but nonetheless here I am anyway. You warned me when I
bought these new varieties that they were very small, so I
determined to be patient, focus on rooting this season, and not
expect blooms. Mr. Ace gave me a nice surprise this morning. I
cant find my cords for my digital camera, so this snapshot is
from a mediocre cell phone.... hoping to get much better view
Hi Winn,
The plants arrived today in great shape -- perfect. Thanks for
the instruction sheet. I would never have known not to repot
them. That is so interesting how they will thrive as pot-bound.
Can't wait to watch them grow and bloom. Thanks so much for the
great customer service and high level of TLC!
Meredith and Mark
Bethesda, MD
Hello Winn,
I was very excited to see the package this evening.& when I
opened it, a beautiful healthy plant inside gave me a
Thanks very much. I have watered it and kept it outside .
It had one bloom in the box and another one set to bloom
tomorrow. A few bruised leaves but is in good condition.
As you mentioned, I have not repotted it. I do see roots
coming out the bottom and it is going to be set on a
concrete driveway.
Thanks again for the lovely plant.
L.M, Dubuque Ia..
Frank M., Spring Hill KS. Sent from my iPad |
Dear Winn,
Hi Winn,
Winn. I ordered last fall for here in northern Illinois and keeping Super Star in a south window and a compact florescent on a 12 hour timer over it I have had many blooms and a foot of new growth. Thanks for the words of encouragement, I feel like an expert. Its springtime and I'll be calling to order more. Thanks Mike N. |
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Winn, I received my two Nightfire Hibiscus about 3-4 weeks ago. They arrived in great shape and have acclimated to their new environment. I had to share the beautiful photo of the Nightfire flower....it's absolutely amazing. The colors are breath taking! This photo is deserving of an enlargement or a photo contest! Thanks again for your beautiful plants and I shall continue to share my photos with you. Kim A Southern Illinois
Good morning Winn,
Dear Winn,
I have been ordering Hibiscus plants from many different places
but I had to write to tell you that the service and the plants you sent me were the best.
One company sent me a 3 inch high hibiscus and another took almost 4 weeks to deliver my
plants. I received the plants I ordered from you within 7 days and the plants were
beautiful. I am ordering all of my future plants from you. Thanks for great service and
Tony T., New Orleans, La
Hey Winn,
Hope you are enjoying the holiday! I am enjoying another
beautiful bloom on my Voodoo Magic. It is amazing that it
just keeps putting out more and more fantastic blooms. I
love seeing the colors change as it warms up here. We had
snow and ice on May 3 this year so my plants aren't sure if
it is really spring.I did want to brag a little with the
latest bloom. I moved everything outside and re-potted the
little ones and it keeps on blooming!
Craig is re-building my greenhouse to be permanent so I will
be able to expand my little collection.
Terri Jones
Thank you Winn!!!! My trees are so beautiful. (DAINTY WHITE) I have tons of little blossoms ready to bloom! Hard to believe I got these just the other day. I LOVE these little guys! Your instructions make it so easy. LINDA C., Conroe, TX |
Winn here's a couple of the plant's that we purchased from you last year. They are really showing results with your fertilizing instructions. Thanks for all your help, time and patience that you have had with me and all my questions. Hope you like the results as much as I. I used Rene's face as an example for a size comparison. Rainbow Christie - Night Fire - and a nice size Fiji.
Thanks again for all your guidance.
Galveston Isle, Texas
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"The pictures are gorgeous and the flowers are PRETTIER!! Thanks.
Diane W., Chandon, OH
Thought you'd like another
angle/shot of a Nightfire for your web site if you want it. This
is it's first bloom, I believe.
Joe, Ruskin Fl.
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Hi Winn, Wanda from Winter Haven here. These are the Tarantellas that I bought myself for Christmas last year. Thought you might like to see them. I need to call you sometime this week and find out how to repot this little "angel". |
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NOTICE Wanda kept her plant in the (shipping) quart pot for faster growth and blooming...WINN
Some photos for your archive of Tylene which I purchased from you 7
years ago. Please feel free to use on your site.
Joe, Abingdon Maryland
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Hey Winn,
Hi Winn,
Thanks so much for sending us such delicious plants. You're the best!!
Hannah Neville
Hi Winn,
HELLO WINN--My Silver Memory and my
Rainbow Christie have just bloomed.
They are beautiful.
You have the most incredible healthy plants.
Dr. Perez, Beverly Hill, Calif
loves the plants! Thanks for everything
From: Dianne
home now and the happy owner of two yellow "hula
girl" hibiscus plants. Thanks! They look great. LOVE YOU!
Your birthday's next!
Love, Mom
Hey Winn-just to let you know I got my Nightfire last Friday and its in great shape. know I will take good care and it will flourish. thanks again. look fwd to doing future business with you and refer friends as well. regards, tom in Cheektowaga (buffalo) ny.
Hi Winn, When I ordered "Janys" from you this spring I had trouble believing that it could be as beautiful as the picture in your on-line catalog. I am sending two pictures back to you of blooms I had this week. I held the blooms up to the computer screen to make sure that the color of the flower was the same as the photo. If anything, the flower was even more glowing! What a spectacular blossom!!! Hope you enjoy the pictures.
Clay McG., Carrollton, TX.
Hi Winn,,,,great looking plants thx. Thanks for all your help. well beyond the call of duty!!!!!!!! regds ..Peter F. West Coast of Florida
Winn, I just have to tell you what a beautiful plant I received. It is doing well as I have put it in my yard and nary a yellow leaf. Its doing well and I'm pleased I found you on the Internet. George N., Key WestWinn;
We acquired our first 2 plants from you last May (Norman Lee and Mr. Ace) and had a very
successful summer with them. In the fall (we live in upstate New York) I spoke with
you and per your instructions we moved them indoors to a secure location under grow lights
and have misted them daily with a watered down fish emulsion mixture as well as daily
watering (we alternate days with one day being a Miracle Grow diluted solution and the
other day being room temperature water). Of course we have the pots elevated so that
all of the excess solutions pass over the roots and into a container under the plant.
As we near spring I've increased the amount of light and must say that they have
responded tremendously to all of the extra care--as a matter of fact we had to cut back a
couple of the branches on the Mr. Ace to make it more uniform and they have totally grown
back with new foliage in about 6 weeks.
Can't wait to get our new plants next month when the weather warms up.
Sincerely Kim and Matt
M. in Upper New York State
WINN----Happy with my Tylene
- no, ecstatic is more like
it. It is truly spectacular. Greg D. MN
I've been meaning to let you know that the hibiscus plants you sent us are
FABULOUS! I've never had plants with such huge and beautifully colorful blooms.
We've been experiencing an especially rainy weather over the last month followed by
hot sun...the plants seem to be loving the combination.
I'm hooked!
Thanks Ronda Z., K.C.,Ks
Winn, You are right. Every day I run out the door to see what flower is going to bloom that day. I love each and every one. If you remember, I got two for my neighbor and she is so happy. And our other neighbor could not believe that the flower was real. She had to walk over to see. Anyway, I love them all. Thank you. Janice D, Florida Keys
I ordered "Estelle K" from you a few weeks
ago. It bloomed yesterday and is gorgeous. When you shipped the plant you noted
that it was larger than your normal plants, which I appreciated. Also, your
packing methods were far superior to those used by your competition at xxxxx-
Incidentally, I received their plants in June and out of 6, only 1 has bloomed.
To say I am disappointed with their quality is an understatement. I will be a
repeat customer. My birthday is September 19th and I've told all who ask
that the perfect gift this year will be a plant from www.fancyhibiscus.com
TLHarris, Arkansas
Again....we thank you and we'll be BACK
Guess who this is ... Peggy. My hibiscus arrived in perfect shape.
I have never seen a plant so alive with many leaves and buds on it
coming from such a long distance, and in perfect shape.
I have told all my friends to order from you.
Jimmie and Theresa were so excited. Thanks, Peggy M., Kentucky
Dear Winn: I received my hibiscuses several days ago and they
were in great shape. Thanks so much for taking such care in packing them.
One of the hibiscus has a seed pod on it, which you have marked with a tag. Can this be
planted, and if so, what is the proper method?
Looking forward to beautiful blooms!!
Linda A., So. Texas
Dear Winn, Hi, it's Eve L. from NY. I ordered a Fifth Dimension
from you
several months ago.
I am writing to let you know that I am SO extremely happy with my hibiscus!!!! It took a
while for her to grow buds, on account of the mostly sunless summer we had here in NY.
BUT, she did grow some buds and tonight when I came home from the Yankee game, her second
flower ever was open!!
Winn, the last flower opened 2 weeks ago. I had a party that night. Many of my friends
went crazy when they saw the flower. I didn't even have to point it out to them!!
You already know what the Fifth Dimension flower looks like...but imagine seeing it for
the very first time again!! I wanted to cry :) The colors...the shape and size...absolute
I am attaching a pic of her for you to enjoy. And please feel free to use my comments on
your website. I have also told people about your site and one of my coworkers ordered from
you as a result!
Thanks so much!
Eve L., Lynbrook, NY
"I just received a "Hula Girl" from Winn Soldani. I'm still
flummoxed by the fast service, and she came through in excellent condition. Far better
than any other plants I've received by mail in the past. It was actually delivered by UPS
and they usually destroy the box."
Marty B., Las Vegas
Hello Winn, I received my hibiscus today (Louise Bennett). It came in excellent condition. All of the leaves were still in tack. The soil was still moist. It is a beautiful, very healthy looking one. I was very impressed. Once again, thank you very much. You are doing a wonderful job because I am one very satisfied customer.
I.R., St. John, US Virgin Islands
Ye gods! The Path opened up yesterday and nearly knocked us off our feet! We immediately spent the next half-hour rearranging the entire patio landscape around that plant, then sat there for hours staring agog. Wow!
Thanks so much for growing these gems. You made our Memorial Day Weekend.
Tony and Jo Anna, Little Rock, AR
Hello, Winn!
Thanks for the tour and the genuine Southern (southern Italian?) hospitality.
The South is the South is the South anywhere; and, in the South, folks are expansive and
generous. How's that for oversimplification?
I felt welcomed and, more, welcomed as a fellow professional. I appreciated your
knowledge of your subject, your no-nonsense, honest attitude, and your patience in
assisting my selection process. Hey, what can I say? I had a good time; next
time, you're on for the Cuban food.
Michael C., R.I.
Hello Winn,
Just wanted let you know that the La France
arrived safely and none the worst for wear due to your careful packing. She is
now outside, soaking in the heat and humidity; I'm going to wait a week or so
before planting into the ground, unless you suggest otherwise.
I hope you enjoy your trip out west. It's been wonderful doing business with
you, I now have to decide on another beauty from your nursery.
Best regards,
Message from the middle of the Pacific
"Hi Winn,
I received the plants today and I'm very happy to see that they look great.. It took 4
days to get here and the Post Office folks apologized for delivery. I didn't even
asked for a refund cause I was just too excited to receive your Fancy Hibiscus.
The plants were fine and looked very healthy... There's no hint of stress on them.. I
can't believe how healthy they look even with the amount days and thousands of miles they
had to travel... Found only 2 half yellowed leaves... I'm really please with the way you
packed them and their appearance. I'm very excited... in fact I'll cut this short so I can
go out and look at them again. Thanks Winn... thank you very much.."
si Brian..
"Hi Winn; Daddy's Girl arrived today, and looks great. I appreciate your
efforts, and you certainly can use my name relative to satisfied customer referrals.
Thanks again,"
Allan L., Boston, Ma.
"Winn, Thanks so much for the info and most especially for your patience and
help and hospitality and expertise! I hope I'm not 'pestering' you too much. Thanks
a million !!!!"
M.R., Jax, Fl
" Mr. Winn, The UPS man delivered our plants about 1 hour ago. They arrived in
perfect condition and looked like they had just came out of the show room. They are
beautiful and the foliage alone is beautiful even if they don't bloom. The blooms will
just be like icing on the cake!!! I was real careful unwrapping them and not one leaf was
out of place. I am well pleased to say the least. I am sure we will be doing more
business. All the neighbors will be envious. ha ha. 2 of my neighbors said whatever Fred
gets you know it will be beautiful or he will not have it. So I will keep my reputation
going with these. You are SO-O-O-O kind to send me a extra Tropical double Hula Girl. You
can bet I will take good care of them. I am well pleased and will keep in touch. Thank
you, and God bless you for being so kind."
Fred & Kay - The Underwood's, South Portsmouth, KY
"Dear Winn, All the Hibiscus plants have started to leaf and looks promising.
Two of the cutting branches have formed roots too. Thanks for all the arrangement and it's
a wonder that your plants travel from one side of the world to another without any
problem. Can't wait to see them bloom. Thanks again. Keep in touch."
Stephen, Hong Kong
Hi Winn,
The plants are here! Never expected so quick. I haven't got them yet, as I wasn't
at the office today. I will go get them tomorrow and I will let you know. Is a pleasure
doing business with you. You are the best!
Wai-Y.C.W., Hong Kong
AFTER picking up his plants Wai writes:
Hi Winn,
All the plants look very healthy. Thank you very much. I will follow your
instructions to plant them. I noticed there is a list of hibiscus, can I order them? Also
thank you for those beautiful hibiscus catalogues, I will give them to my friends. They
never knew hibiscus can be that beautiful!
What a wonderful experience!
Wai, Hong Kong
"Dear Winn: Just wanted you to know the plants arrived yesterday. They all
arrived unharmed. The ones I ordered several weeks ago are growing nicely.
Peggy M., Mobile, Al.
phone message I left you last evening just didn't seem good enough thanks to show how
happy I was when I saw the replacement on my front porch when I got
home from work. It's a nice looking plant and I just what to thank you again and I'm
look forward placing more orders with you in the future.
Yet another HAPPY CUSTOMER!!!!! Thanks again.
Dean, Chicago Suburbs
"Winn, My daughter G.A. sent me one of your beautiful Fancy Hibiscus this week
for Mother's Day. It arrived in great condition and I was so excited when I received it.
I've have read all of your information & instructions for taking care of it several
times. I have never own a hibiscus before so I am looking forward to its first blooms next
week. Thanks,"
C.J., Mobile Al.
"My plants arrived promptly, perky and perfectly packaged - there was even a
Pompano Pink in bloom!!"
Ed P., Dallas, TX
"Our two plants are quite happy here. On the larger plant, we had twins (two big blossoms) for a couple days--thought we would hand out cigars on that occasion! Just today, I discovered a fat bud on the smaller hibiscus, and I can't wait to see it bloom!! Neighbors are charmed with them, and I have shown them off many times. Just wanted you to know the plants are in good hands!"
Maurine L., AZ
"I envy those who work with these beautiful plants. They are my
Nancy M., Portland, OR
"The Fancy Hibiscus came last Wednesday, they were well packaged, they could
have gone all around the world."
Sally H., Milwaukee, WI
"Enjoyed talking to you. Always enjoyed your Fancy Hibiscus. Look forward to
going down to Florida one day and meeting you."
Mike K., Wolcott, CT
"Thanks for all the helpful advice on Fancy Hibiscus culture. I am very pleased
at your continuous and prompt service."
Marion T., Clinton, SC
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"Your plants are much larger and prettier than anything I ever bought from
other greenhouses."
Virginia A., Manhattan, KS
"The plants arrived in great shape. They are healthy, bug free and vigorous.
I'm always a little unsure of ordering plants by mail, you're never sure as to the quality
or how the plant will arrive. Your plants are terrific. You got a winner there!."
John E., Elgin, IL
"Received my babies today. They look very healthy and the colors are
magnificent! I can't wait until they all open!"
Jean I., Indianapolis, IN
Thanks so much for giving me advice on my fantasy charm even though it wasn't bought from you. I really appreciate it. I want to get more beautiful hibiscus and will definitely buy them from you. I will also give your website out to everyone I know that is looking for these great plants. I never heard back from the company it was bought from even though I've emailed them about 4 times. I just wish you could ship to California as that's where my daughter lives and she wants some for planting outside. Oh well at least you can ship to Michigan. Thanks again.
Cathy O, MI
WINN, Your success is not defined by your stock of pretty flowers and beautiful plants, or by price but by your customer knowledge and great personal service. Stay well and Thanks.
Tony C., NY NY
"I called your 800 number and was quite impressed with your unique public
relations, customer assistance, and personal ordering warmth. It was just like being at
your greenhouse and talking with a fellow hibiscus enthusiast."
Maureen L., NY
"Thank you for being so helpful. It sounds like you love your work. Each
morning my husband picks fresh blossoms for me. It's a great way to survive this
Eileen E., Newark, NJ
Good Morning, Winn. Just letting you know that Bessie and Janys arrived in good shape yesterday, both exceptionally nice plants. Many thanks.
You'd be impressed with the scenery in my little green house, now that I have plenty of good light: seven pairs of 4-foot fluorescents, two 250-watt HP Sodium Grow Lights and two 250-watt Metal Halide Grow Lights. As you drive toward my place, even in broad daylight, you can see the glow of my greenhouse from a quarter of a mile away.
The result is more lush foliage, buds and flowers than I've ever had before at this time of year. The place resembles a scene in Jamaica or Cuba. I've added to the illusion by perching in the overhead a couple of fake tropical birds and a monkey hanging by his tail. Then, when visiting friends and neighbors come in for a look see, I secretly press a little button and they hear the natural sounds of the tropical rain forest, coming from a concealed CD player. Great fun!
Hello, Winn Soldani. Thanks for all the recent photographs of those beautiful Hibiscus that you are offering for sale. They are absolutely magnificent and I know you will have many orders for them.
Now, that we in New Jersey can expect weather that will be safe for you to send the Hibiscus plants I ordered in February, will you advise me when I can expect to receive them so that I can purchase the necessary pots and stands in which to place them for my daughter and my growing pleasure?
Winn, my Great White Hibiscus is growing into a tree like plant. It is taller then me (5 feet)! What would you recommend that I do to have it branch out and flower from this sort of canopy, much like a tree! I know this plant loves me, because it has the most beautiful leaves that are perfect in structure: completely free of disease or insect damage! It is in a South-East sun exposure where it gets plenty of the right amount of sunshine and by the green coloring of these leaves, I know this plant is getting what it needs to enhance its growth and development ( That is why it is heading for the ceiling in my living room).
Winn, the photograph of you impresses me that you are a real naturalist( down to earth and a beautiful person) and that is why you are capable of producing such a variety of these ornamental plants for all of us purchasers to enjoy growing in and outdoors of our home's).
Thank you Winn for helping to save this planet from complete destruction of its vegetation by bringing plants back into the environment of man to replenish the oxygen being consumed by so much pollution of our ambient air.
All the best and Sincerely yours, M.E., New Jersey
HELLO AGAIN. Flowers arrived yesterday in great shape. We put a large blanket on our den carpet so we could plant them with no wind and NO cold. Cannot wait to see them bloom. Would it be all right if I placed your web address on the emails I send out? Thanks, KarolHi Winn:
Hi Winn. I tried the fish emulsion and using a full strength solution fertilizer on the hibiscus and the Fifth Dimension opened another flower this morning with much stronger color.... Pretty amazing response.
This little hibiscus has really amazed me. It has opened all four of the buds that were on it when I unpacked it. In spite of being packed and shipped for 3 days and being on a merry go round of inside and outside here as the weather went through unseasonable swings and it got carried in and out it didn't drop it's buds.
My original hibiscus was sent to me from a florist when my husband's father passed away a year and a half ago. It was very large. Covered in beautiful, peachy yellow with a red center flowers and almost immediately dropped it's leaves along with the flowers. I cut it back. Pampered it as best I could and it is still a pretty bush with an occasional flower. I didn't know about keeping them a bit root bound so one of the first things that I did was put it in a nice large planter. You know, something really HEAVY to lug in and out. But while it seems to be doing okay and got me excited about hibiscus, it is still a very temperamental plant. It doesn't like being moved. It doesn't really like being inside. It really doesn't like when it gets to be hotter than around 90. And it displays all of it's displeasure by at least dropping buds for minor transgressions and defoliating itself for something really major. So it sort of had me trained to think of them as really beautiful but REALLY temperamental. I expected both the plants you sent me to drop leaves and buds and they haven't! The Tylene hasn't put on any buds but the leaves look great. The Fifth Dimension is just a blooming' fool.
Our weather seems to be settling down to about what it usually is in March now that we're a third of the way through April. Love the flower pictures that you send me, Luray in Texas
At least 3 of the 5 Hibiscus you sent have flowered . . .the "Yellow
Kinchen's"( Kinchen's Yellow) flowered this week !!!! . .
.I had gotten 2 hibiscus from HOME-DEPOT, one a yellow, another a carmine-red, a week or
so before yours arrived [couldn't resist . . .nice, bushy plants, about 15 inches
wide/high, with lots of buds] that have really gorgeous flowers, for the types you find at
these 'garden stores' . . . BUT I can tell right away, when the one's you sent bloom, that
these are EXQUISITE. Even though it will take a while for the plants to become
'bushy', specially selected flowers appear on the small plants! . . . CHARLIE'S ANGELS
also opened, as did TYLENE . .. WOW WOW WOW!.
Gary M., Tulsa, OK
What in the world do I do with Hibiscus that are growing into trees? Wilders White and Fiji
Island have been transplanted to large pots and continue to grow in an upright
fashion. They aren't presenting any flowers, but have abundant leaves and both are
approx. 2.5 feet tall!
Transplanted Louise Bennett to a larger pot and in
doing so found that she was so root bound that there was almost no soil - just roots in
the pot. She also has grown tremendously!
Alii Uii is getting close to 2 feet and has a
maturing bud....................Good grief - I'm being taken over by giant Hibiscus (laugh)
best wishes!
Cadie H., Houston
I received my Tylene hibiscus last week,
and I wanted to let you know how happy I am! I never expected
such a large, healthy, and happy plant from a mail-order. I am
totally impressed!! You do an excellent job!
She arrived in perfect condition, and she
even has 4 blossoms just ready to pop open. I immediately
soaked her really well and gave her a dilute general purpose
fertilizer, and placed her in a sunny window next to some other
that I started from seed (so that she wouldn't feel
lonely! lol)
Thanks again, and keep up the good work...I
am sure you will be getting more orders from me! (And I have
been singing your praises to my friends, trying to get them to check
you out too!)
Nancy H., Minn.
Well, can't say enough about this hibiscus. She blooms and
blooms and blooms. To get 5 blooms in one day is unbelievable. It's
hard to get all the blooms in the picture at once and in focus. But
. . . here she is.
Love my Tarantella ![]()
Winn, I’m dropping a line to let you know that my three fancy hibiscus arrived safely yesterday with every single leaf intact and green. I’m going to follow your care instructions to the tee. I’ll let you know how things turn out with them when I order more. I’ve got my eye on a few in the catalog that you sent. Thanks again. Brenda R Daytona Beach, Fl. |